Wednesday, September 22, 2010

What might inspire...

La La Lovely Things is one of those blogs with little random bits of really cool little... ahh I could handle having that in my life!

Is there such a thing as having too much inspiration so that you are so polarized with creatize ambition all you can do is stare at the wall and wonder where to start?

Ready Made  I could spend hours just browsing this site and saying AH HAH and then moving on and forgetting about the first 3-4 cool things I wanted to try. It's like DIY heaven.

Thread Banger Video shows and cool tutorials for my internal bungee jump... SEWING. Its my weakness, seriously give me a paper mache project any day.

Tadaa Studio  Which makes me believe I might have a chance. It's really a matter of not looking down right?

So I need someplace to stash my stuff for a while...

Hah! Pregnant crazy lady has made it back to this 3am awake place. I am having difficulty translating all these buzzing ideas into blog posts. So I figure the best thing to do is to keep cataloging my finds and interests and move on from there.One thing at a time young jedi.... right so lets start this journey of 1000 miles shall we.

This is a post about the dining room which until 1 week ago was filled with hand-me-down things and purchases that suited a different time in my life. Being round in the belly gives you a real freedom to do crazy crap like post the entire contents on Kijiji Now that the room is almost empty and even the curtains are off I am in the process of creating a room I love. Seriously! You should try this! It was so scary and absolutely liberating and lovely.

Firstly I'm toying with the idea of the DIY lamp. I need a pendent/chandelier/shade thing for my dining room but I am in absolutely no position to buy anything I like (I have expensive taste!) and the cheaper versions of things I'm OK with or 'like' are not really doing it for me. It feels like settling. Like that guy you dated because you couldn't snag his much much much hotter friend. 

I have this amazing chandelier that I have found called the GLADYS and it's only about 600.00. I'm in love and it just so happens I have a spool of giant black lace in my closet (don't ask and I won't tell). I'm wondering if I could rig something up with an embroidery hoop and some hot glue that might be OK. I could always spray paint it right?

I'm also toying with the string ball. You know the project. It is tempting but I think these things look nice in groups or just one extra large one. Otherwise it looks too crafty? Am I being picky?

Aside from this I've found several DIY projects that involve dollar store planters and other such handy bits which I could also go for. This would really be limited by what I find in the dollar store and I'm sure it would be plastic. There is also the safety issue of constructing something from cheap materials that were not intended for the purpose.

Progress on the dining room is slow. I have completed the purge that will lead to my design salvation but I am now stuck at the painting stage which means I must go buy paint. Pregnant people have to buy special paint that costs extra money (it's really something I would do now anyway but still). Shall I go with white or should I keep the soft blue from the living room at 100.00 a gal I'm not sure it's worth the colour match. Painting the walls will mean I can put things up against the walls. Putting things up against the walls means I can set up my table/chairs/pew. Ohhhh yeah baby this is going to be good.

I also have my eye on a set of vintage oval frames which I think would look neat mixed in with some of my square/rectangle modern ones and give me a bit of a fun gallery wall. Perhaps we will just post about this for a while.

Monday, September 20, 2010

So I have been in the throws of sorting and purging. You know what I mean. When the day arrives your perspective changes and the whole world you live in needs a swift kick in the derriere. Part of this cleaning is strictly environmental but for me this has been more or less a complete shedding. I can feel the pull to evolve and grow and become whatever it is I will be for the next phase of my life.

Yeah I'm pregnant, so what. Yeah I have got a month at best before my second little bundle of joy arrives. What is your point. This can not be completely hormonal, it is also related to age, financial stress and my quasi retirement from teaching. It us a result of giant fight with 'mom' and a culmination of living in the middle of a Reno that slide off track when the market crashed. It is the product if years of procrastination and giving time and energy to the unexpected demands of patenting a chronically ill child. It is ENOUGH already.

So here, hopefully is an effort to gather my strength and pull together my resources. My New Years resolution was Clean It Up and I mean to push hard for the next few months to get it mostly done. I want to move on. I am ready to embrace a more self aware and meaningful existence without all the trappings of my current struggle to get by. I will not only survive I will brace!

Ok, calming down now. Let's start with my new BFF Karen over at the art of doing stuff. She is amazing and I found her quite by accident while surfing another haunt. I realized I had a kindred spirit on my hands when she sold the entire contents of her home to start over from scratch. Well timed on my part as we were just 3 of selling my dining room table after I had convinced my husband that everything we did not love had to go. We have been at it for weeks and every time something large or irritating goes we celebrate. Karen in her unwitting way has made me feel less crazy. She would laugh at that...

Friday, September 17, 2010

Technically Speaking...

So today I was able to take my 3 year old to a doc appointment AND talk my friend through a 4 hour tattoo in a completely far off city. Why then do I still feel slightly inept and lonely.

I'm told the answer is blowing in the wind which does not surprise me as this is also the very thing I am trying to hide from. It is cold outside!!
So as much as I fight it I may have to accept that I am almost awesome and embracing technology might help me solve some of the very real issues that come with motherhood and change in general. I, like many others I am told, have issues. Issues with my sense of self, my home, my inlaws, my child(soon to be children) and even my pets. I am struggling to find my way along a path frought with changes, stress and adaptations that threaten to swallow me up. Don't get me wrong it's not even close to all bad, but I think I need some support.

Not unlike my friend with the fresh tattoo I am hoping to lean on technology to keep me connected to those who love me (heck even like me). I will create my own global village because my local supports can be lacking. So here is my first step, my big breath and go.