Monday, September 20, 2010

So I have been in the throws of sorting and purging. You know what I mean. When the day arrives your perspective changes and the whole world you live in needs a swift kick in the derriere. Part of this cleaning is strictly environmental but for me this has been more or less a complete shedding. I can feel the pull to evolve and grow and become whatever it is I will be for the next phase of my life.

Yeah I'm pregnant, so what. Yeah I have got a month at best before my second little bundle of joy arrives. What is your point. This can not be completely hormonal, it is also related to age, financial stress and my quasi retirement from teaching. It us a result of giant fight with 'mom' and a culmination of living in the middle of a Reno that slide off track when the market crashed. It is the product if years of procrastination and giving time and energy to the unexpected demands of patenting a chronically ill child. It is ENOUGH already.

So here, hopefully is an effort to gather my strength and pull together my resources. My New Years resolution was Clean It Up and I mean to push hard for the next few months to get it mostly done. I want to move on. I am ready to embrace a more self aware and meaningful existence without all the trappings of my current struggle to get by. I will not only survive I will brace!

Ok, calming down now. Let's start with my new BFF Karen over at the art of doing stuff. She is amazing and I found her quite by accident while surfing another haunt. I realized I had a kindred spirit on my hands when she sold the entire contents of her home to start over from scratch. Well timed on my part as we were just 3 of selling my dining room table after I had convinced my husband that everything we did not love had to go. We have been at it for weeks and every time something large or irritating goes we celebrate. Karen in her unwitting way has made me feel less crazy. She would laugh at that...

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