Friday, September 17, 2010

Technically Speaking...

So today I was able to take my 3 year old to a doc appointment AND talk my friend through a 4 hour tattoo in a completely far off city. Why then do I still feel slightly inept and lonely.

I'm told the answer is blowing in the wind which does not surprise me as this is also the very thing I am trying to hide from. It is cold outside!!
So as much as I fight it I may have to accept that I am almost awesome and embracing technology might help me solve some of the very real issues that come with motherhood and change in general. I, like many others I am told, have issues. Issues with my sense of self, my home, my inlaws, my child(soon to be children) and even my pets. I am struggling to find my way along a path frought with changes, stress and adaptations that threaten to swallow me up. Don't get me wrong it's not even close to all bad, but I think I need some support.

Not unlike my friend with the fresh tattoo I am hoping to lean on technology to keep me connected to those who love me (heck even like me). I will create my own global village because my local supports can be lacking. So here is my first step, my big breath and go.

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